Historians for years have believed that
James Buchanan our 15th President was our worst President? That is no longer
so...our 44th President, Barack Obama is the worst and most destructive
president we have ever had.
Since his election in 2008, we have been
brainwashed into believing what we read, hear, see and know to be true is not
so. We have been conned into believing that if we accuse this President and
this administration of systematically and deliberately sabotaging the
Constitution, the economy, our national security and the culture, we will be
labled as madmen and racists. So we undergo vicious and relentless assaults for
advocating for Constitutional Federalism, limited government, individual rights
and liberties, equality under the law and the protection and preservation of our
most sacred values.
Barack Obama is a true step-child of Saul
Alinsky as is the woman who wants to succeed him...Hillary Clinton.They both
demonize their enemies and never let a rational and factual national discussions
take place on any vital issue before us. They are not about solving problems.
They are about keeping racial and class grievances alive.
Because the Democrat Party is now nothing
more than a collection of left wing victim groups with narrow and radical
agendas, they are able to mount multiple attacks simultaneously using a host of
issues that are usually not substantive but instead emotional and distracting.
In these efforts they have the willing collaboration of most of the so called
"main stream" press and media. The party of Barack Obama and Saul Alinsky
means to scare the hell out of guileless Americans on a daily
Republicans and conservatives have not
been able to mount
an effective counter offensive or use
social media and the internet as potent strategic and tactical weapons
to deliver truth and facts to the American people.
As a consequence, we are deluged with
lies, distortions and ad hominem attacks designed to make the average person
confused and misinformed.