Saul Alinsky was not a nice man. His
radicalism made him a bitter and angry man who rejected his religious upbringing
and most of why America is an exceptional country. He saw America as an evil
place, filled with "haves", "have not's" and those who didn't care about what he
considered to be structural social and economic inequality in American society
ie "the middle class".
Alinsky cloaked his hatreds and radical
leftism in traditional American nostrums. This camouflage resembles the
doctrine of "Taquiyah" which "Political Islam" uses to lie to their enemies
until they are strong enough to totally destroy them.
Alinsky traveled amongst the poor and
downtrodden and told them that their lot in life was not in any way their
fault. He preached that society needed to change so that the wealth of the
nation could be equally distributed among everyone regardless of who is
productive and who simply receives the benefits of that productivity. He
saw community organizing and ultimately the Government as the mechanisms to
control and then destroy the free market and by necessity individual
He focused first on race and class and
then on any other divisive groupings of people that could be used to organize
these new communities of "victims". His two principle books are "Rules for
Radicals" which he dedicated to Lucifer the first radical, and "Reveille for
Radicals" and both are must reading for those who are confused
by the political turmoil that exists