In 2008 Barack Obama surfed a wave of symbolism and emotion that at times resembled a political tsunami. He told the country on election night that "change had come to America".
The problem was that almost everybody outside of his small but hard core progressive palace guard had stunningly different ideas of what change was.
The variations of the theme of change were as numerous as the stars in the night but "Obamachange" had several overarching sub-themes that time would prove amounted to little more than buzz words. "Fairness", "fair share" and "level playing fields" for the middle class were three such examples. However redistribution of wealth from the "haves" to the "have not's" was studiously avoided.
The political calculation by "Team Obama" was that this would be a killer of a deal breaker with the voters particularly when you did the math and the "haves" included the middle class that Obama had sworn to protect.
Obama, it turned out, was the tribune for every left wing, social justice cause imaginable. Over time the progressive left had swallowed up everyone and every group who hated America, Israel, oil, coal, capitalism, hetero-sexuals, men, Caucasians, Republicans, the military, the Constitution, working for a living and the Catholic Church. It had done so using the money and resources of people like George Soros and its army encompassed much of the mainstream press and media, academia, unions, militant feminists, militant gays and lesbians, illegal immigrants, Islamists and anarchist fringe groups like the occupy movement.