Since I was a little boy,
Christmas has been my favorite holiday.
Perhaps it all started when I was two when my Father decided I wanted or needed
a toy train set. One of my earliest memories is playing happily inside the
boxes the train set came in while my Dad put the set together and then played
with it all day long. Merry Christmas Dad!
Later after my two younger brothers came
along, Christmas became a group conspiracy with begging and pleading aimed at
my sainted Mother who had to weather the annual assault of needs, desires and
demands for various toys that held a heroin like hold on our imaginations. Merry
Christmas guys!
I remember I always wanted a dog (this
actually lasted well unto my adulthood) but we rented and the lease specifically
stated "no pets". If truth be told my Mother had a deathly fear of dogs, cats
or any other creatures that she believed did not belong in a dwelling with
people, so being a smart ass I would remind her that the baby Jesus was born in
a manger with all sorts of animals. This was called invoking the "big guy" and
was clearly my version of the nuclear option. My father then would say
something profound like "The question is no!!!" followed by ..."and your not
Jesus". This from a man who started his working career as a Shepard while a boy
in his native Sweden!