Governor Cuomo wants people
who believe in the Right to Life ( technically all Catholics at a minimum) along
with the majority of New Yorkers who do not live in the "Peoples Republic of New
York" formerly known as "Bloombergistan" where the 2nd amendment is not in
effect plus everyone who believes in traditional marriage ( i.e. the majority of
Christians, Orthodox Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs etc.) to leave New
You are no longer welcome
here. You are without exception, all bigots, homophobes, zealots, extremists,
Nazis and potential mass murderers!
This from a man
who believes that abortion should be on demand, including right up to the time
of delivery and that gender selection should be a valid reason to terminate a pregnancy. Scratch a Democrat and
you will find a eugenist from the Peoples Republic of China.
This from a man who
screeched about not needing an assault rifle to kill a deer but doesn't seem to
understand the difference between real "Assault Weapons" which are already
illegal and firearms that only cosmetically look like military weapons. Ban the
e-cigarettes ...they look like real cigarettes!!!
This from a man who clearly
believes that thousands of years of religious and moral teachings about men,
women and the institution of marriage are suddenly all crap and now we have to
think like him and all the other "enlightened" superior beings who are going to
drag us into a "brave new progressive world whether we like it or