"If at age 20 you are a conservative then you have no heart. If at age 30 you are a liberal then you have no brains."
Sir Winston Churchill

Obama obviously knows very little about economics, specifically that "Society stagnates when independent productive achievers begin to be socially demonized and even punished for their accomplishments." This dilemma fogs Obama's reality. To him, accepting this truth is a "false choice", his answer to things he doesn't understand. And by the way... where is John Galt?

Saturday, November 7, 2015

How to win in 2016

[Foreword: Even though my oldest friend Larry left us in 2014 (a 9/11 victim}, he provided us with many of his futurist writings. This one is especially prescient.]


Both Republican and Democrat presidential candidates should understand that to win in 2016 will mean changing the dangerous trajectory that Obama and the "progressives" have inflicted on the nation.  In a bi-partisan manner, if possible, they should  demonstrate to an exhausted, skeptical, fearful and angry public that the country can be turned around and led to growth, strength, full time jobs with good wages, individual freedom and prosperity.

This will mean the return of "certainty" to our domestic and foreign affairs, reestablishing the rule of law and renewing national fidelity to the Constitution.  At a minimum these will require a sharp curtailment of the administrative state that the left so reveres.  It will also necessitate a well thought out  and long overdue shrinkage of a bloated and morbidly obese Federal government. 
Regulatory and other governmental agencies that have become power mad should be abolished and/or de-funded and only their most fundamental and essential legal functions should be preserved.  The IRS, EPA, CSB, NLRB, OSHA, NRC, BLM, NMB, FERC AND FEC have all violated their mandates and are no longer trusted.  Add to this, DoJ, DVA  and HHS which also act like imperious thugs and you begin to see a government out of control, behaving like criminals and contemptuous of the people who pay their salaries. 

The country must grow and become the most prosperous nation on the globe once again.  We must become energy independent in such a way that it results in us have the cheapest and most varied amount of power in the world causing investments and job creation to flow into the country.

We must fix what the Heritage Foundation calls our "confused, unfocused and dysfunctional"  immigration system by closing the southern border and then rethinking logically and systematically, what our immigration priorities will be.  For those here legally and illegally criminal behavior must result in immediate deportation after conviction and punishment.  Amnesty with a path to citizenship should be limited to those who were brought here as small children and those who serve honorably in the military.  Work visas should be available for those who have skills in areas experiencing difficulties in filling openings or capital to invest in legitimate job creating businesses.  Interior enforcement should be robust and unambiguous.  The primary goal of immigration should be patriotic assimilation into an equal opportunity society and not multicultural assimilation into a dependency society with open borders.